If you have tried diet and exercise, but your belly fat keeps coming back, then you are looking for home remedies to reduce belly fat quickly. Belly fat can be the most stubborn area of fat to lose and the most dangerous type of fat because it surrounds the vital organs of your body, specifically the liver, pancreas, and intestines, which are all responsible for helping your body digest food and extract nutrients from the food so your body can use it as energy or store it in order to keep you alive.
- Stay hydrated
- Drink lemon water
- Don’t eat after 7 pm
- Eat more fibre
- Use turmeric in your food
- Let go of negative feelings
- Get enough sleep
- Add cardio exercises to your workout routine
- Eat more leafy greens, celery, and cucumber
- Invest in a blender
1. Stay hydrated
Water is essential when you’re trying to lose weight. Not only does it help your body eliminate toxins, but studies have also shown that it can help increase your metabolism by up to 30 per cent and reduce feelings of hunger pangs, according to one study. You should drink half your body weight in ounces every day.
For example, if you weigh 200 pounds and are trying to lose weight fast, you should aim for 100 ounces a day or at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day. Be careful with overdoing it on liquids if you already find yourself feeling full.
Add some natural flavourings to sparkling mineral water: lemon slices, cucumber slices, fresh mint leaves and fruit (pineapple chunks, strawberries). Drink once all these flavours are mixed into the bottle then enjoy as an appetite suppressant throughout the entire day as well! Drinking more than six beverages containing calories will not aid weight loss either; there’s no evidence to support that being hydrated leads directly to losing more fat faster (at all). So keep away from calorie drinks! Finally, here are some other key ideas about healthy drinks:
5 juices with zero calories! They may taste quite different from each other so you need to try out what suits best your tastes.
What are these juices that I’m talking about? Well, here’s a hint…they are all packed with vitamins and minerals: watermelon, raspberry, lime and grapefruit juice along with one more juice which will be revealed at some point in the future in one of my newsletters. You can start to experiment today and see how they change your body composition! To get quick results these days simply having drinks is not enough; you also have to do physical activity. So another bit of good news is that these healthy drinks give you double benefits — better fitness performance along with getting rid of some extra kilograms fast! Remember: just don’t drink too much at once; drink as much as it’s needed to quench your thirst.
2. Drink lemon water
Drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning is a great way to kickstart your metabolism and flush out toxins that could be slowing down your weight loss. If you don’t have a juicer, squeeze lemons into hot water and drink it first thing. Try not to drink after 7 pm as lemon is a good source of vitamin C which can help promote a healthy immune system.
Drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning is a great way to kickstart your metabolism and flush out toxins that could be slowing down your weight loss. If you don’t have a juicer, squeeze lemons into hot water and drink it first thing. Try not to drink after 7 pm as lemon is a good source of vitamin C which can help promote a healthy immune system.
One of our Facebook fans Emily Miller loves cooking with lemons. She uses them for seasoning chicken, scallops, shrimp, or fish by cutting off both ends of lemon (cutting deep enough to get rid of seeds) than squeezing juice over fish or chicken once it’s done cooking (not raw). It works like a charm! I love to cook with fresh herbs. There are so many more flavours than dried herbs and they are more nutritious too! Fresh basil gives food an amazing flavour while adding some much-needed nutrients from all those vitamins A & K plus iron!
3. Don’t eat after 7 pm
We tend to consume more calories later in the day. If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s a good idea to avoid eating after 7 pm. Studies have shown that eating before bed leads to an increase in weight gain and belly fat. This is because your body spends more time digesting food while you sleep. Simply put, when we skip dinner and save our calories for breakfast and lunch, we burn more fat than if we ate throughout our waking hours.
Don’t get me wrong — eating late at night can be part of a healthy diet if it’s part of your overall caloric consumption. But those extra calories add up quickly over time, resulting in even more flab around your waistline. It may be helpful to track how many calories you consume over several days as well as which foods they come from so that you can have some concrete data on which areas require improvement.
A great app for tracking caloric intake and expenditure is MyFitnessPal, but there are plenty of apps available depending on what kind of smartphone or tablet you own. Tracking your meals with an app will help curb overeating by keeping tabs on just how much you’re consuming.
4. Eat more fibre
One study found that when people ate as little as 25 grams of extra fibre a day — that’s about two large apples, two large bananas, or one cup of cooked lentils — they dropped nearly five pounds over 12 weeks. If you’re looking for ways to jumpstart weight loss, eating more fibre will do just that. Fibre is a carbohydrate found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, but unlike other forms of carbohydrates, it is harder to digest. As it passes through your digestive system, it stimulates the receptors that tell your brain you’re full.
A high-fibre diet also reduces your levels of ghrelin — the hormone that stimulates your appetite — and keeps you feeling full longer. Eat more naturally fibrous foods like pulses, vegetables, and whole grains to increase your daily fibre intake. How much? Researchers recommend at least 25 grams of fibre per day (based on a 2,000 calorie diet).
To put that into perspective, aim for at least three servings each of fruits and veggies (each serving should be around three ounces), at least six servings of whole grains (half ounce each), and two servings of legumes (half cup each), along with two tablespoons of ground flaxseed (fresh or dried) every day. It’s probably safe to assume you need way more than that if you don’t already get enough fibre in your diet!
5. Use turmeric in your food
While there isn’t enough evidence yet to confirm that turmeric directly reduces belly fat, there are some studies that suggest it could potentially help burn belly fat. Some people use it for stomach upset as well, but there’s no hard evidence on whether or not it works for that use either.
Turmeric may also be helpful if you want to avoid certain medications and improve your cardiovascular health. Make sure you check with your doctor before taking turmeric in any form because of its side effects and interactions with other medications.
6. Let go of negative feelings
Negative feelings — particularly depression, anxiety, and anger — contribute to belly fat in several ways. First, they can affect what you eat as you try (and fail) to comfort yourself with food. Next, they make it difficult for you to stick with a healthy diet over time. In addition, according to a 2014 study from Ohio State University researchers that followed more than 2,000 adults for five years, people who experienced negative emotions about their bodies were more likely to become obese.
And finally, these negative feelings can have an impact on your stress hormones that contribute to fat storage around your abdomen. If you’re serious about losing weight and keeping it off for good then address your negative feelings about yourself.
7. Get enough sleep
This one may seem obvious, but it’s a huge mistake that many people make. Why? Because sleep is literally vital to weight loss. When you don’t get enough — or, more specifically, when you deprive yourself of high-quality sleep — you not only risk being tired throughout your day and dragging yourself through workouts (and everything else), but you also increase your body’s resistance to weight loss.
In fact, research suggests that sleep deprivation can directly contribute to weight gain by interfering with two hormones that are responsible for fat breakdown and metabolism: leptin and ghrelin.[2] Beyond that, lack of quality shut-eye increases levels of something called insulin resistance. Insulin is an important hormone for healthy weight maintenance, storing fat, and building muscle.
Insulin sensitivity causes cells in your muscles to listen better to insulin so they can use glucose for energy. But when there’s less insulin sensitivity in muscle cells, they’re less able to respond appropriately when blood sugar levels rise — leading your body to produce even more insulin than before.
The end result is increased fat storage in Muscle Foods in particular and overall increased body fat percentage or total weight on our scales!
8. Add cardio exercises to your workout routine
When it comes to spotting reduction, cardio exercises are a good way to lose belly fat. Start with 30 minutes of cardio exercises at least three times a week and work your way up to 60 minutes of daily physical activity. According to experts, you can reduce belly fat even faster with specific high-intensity interval training workouts. Sprinkle those into your workout routine as well.
You can also get in shape by doing a combination of cardio and strength-training exercises, which will have you burning calories all day long — even when you’re not working out! Plus, as your muscles burn fat and adjust to a lighter workload, they’ll actually get stronger and work better over time.
So what does that mean for you? No more naps (at least during weight loss) and probably fewer bathroom break if you have to run to make it on time! Just be sure to listen carefully to your body and know when enough is enough before hitting shutdown mode. Finally, remember that while proper diet and exercise are key components of losing weight, don’t expect them to make much difference without behavioural changes.
It’s important for people who want to keep their excess pounds off over the long term — and live healthfully — to create lifestyle habits where healthy choices become normal ones.
9. Eat more leafy greens, celery, and cucumber
Have you ever eaten a fresh cucumber and noticed how it makes your mouth feel cool? Well, that’s because it contains an ingredient called menthol that naturally reduces body temperature. Cucumbers are also rich in magnesium, which relaxes muscles and makes digestion easier. As a bonus, they’re an excellent source of silica, which helps strengthen connective tissue. You can use cucumbers in a variety of ways — grill them, peel them into ribbons or simply cut them up for use in salads or on their own as a snack.
They contain only 4 calories per half-cup.
The best food sources of magnesium include nuts, seeds, avocados, leafy greens and whole grains like quinoa and brown rice. (12) Magnesium is also found in some healthy types of chocolate (think dark).
Unfortunately, none of these foods will help you get rid of belly fat — that’s where certain herbs come in! Research shows there is a great benefit from eating oregano oil daily (such as with 1–2 cloves), which provides both anti-inflammatory benefits to reduce pain and inflammation throughout your belly region.
If getting more vegetables into your diet is something you need help with, start by making sure one meal every day includes greens such as kale or Swiss chard.
10. Invest in a blender
When it comes to flushing fat from your system, a blender can be a powerful tool. Grabbing a smoothie on your way out of the house is an easy way to use up produce that’s about to go bad and get the necessary vitamins into your system at any time. But which fruits and veggies are best for weight loss? The ones you’ll want in your belly will depend on what kind of smoothie you’re drinking.
Start with these: Strawberries, Raspberries and Blueberries — All three of these berries can be blended into a healthy morning smoothie or afternoon snack. They add taste without packing on extra calories. Adding them to our drinks not only makes them easier to drink, but they also make it less likely that we’ll eat something unhealthy later because they keep us full longer.
Keep in mind though, dried berries won’t work well when trying to lose weight. They have too many calories per serving (about 230 calories per cup) than fresh fruit does (120 calories per cup).
Make sure your favourite breakfast juice isn’t packed with dried fruit before you make it part of your daily routine! Watermelon — Drinking watermelon juice is one of my favourite ways to enjoy a mid-day smoothie if I’m at home and don’t have access to my whole food kitchen. It’s quick and easy, tastes great, AND I feel great drinking it!
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This is a very good book for weight loss if you want to lose weight
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