Published: Oct 03, 2021 01:41 PM
Newtown Parks & Recreation invites ages 18 and up to join one or both of the plant and garden classes being offered this month through that Town of Newtown department.
Cost is $39 for either class. Registration can be done online through newtown-ct.gov/parks-recreation or by calling 203-270-4340.
Both classes will be presented at Newtown High School, 12 Berkshire Road, and both are slated for 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
On Monday, October 4, join Nicole Christensen for “Fall Gardening Tips for Spring Garden Sanity” (Activity 117107A).
Students will discuss how to put their garden and flower beds to bed for the end of the season, how to properly store tools and other garden items, how and what to prune, and what and how to sanitize.
Christensen will also discuss how to avoid many preventable garden and yard issues, including diseases and other pests throughout the year by doing a few simple things before cold weather sets in.
On Monday, October 18, Christensen will return with “Houseplants 101.”
Cooler temperatures will be here soon, and gardening outside will have to wait. This leads into the perfect time for some indoor gardening with houseplants.
Whether new or returning to houseplant care, Christensen will help students expand their knowledge and how-tos, covering various houseplant situations and sharing advice on keeping houseplants happy, which plants to choose and which to avoid, where to place them, and how to maintain and overwinter indoor potted plants.
From common houseplants to orchids, African violets and everything in between, Christensen will tackle the different challenges of indoor gardening, and share how to make houseplants work for anyone.
Newtown Parks & Recreation invites ages 18 and up to join one or both of the plant and garden classes being offered this month through that Town of Newtown department.
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