Edward Scissorhands home in Florida is transformed into a museumEdward Scissorhands home in Florida is transformed into a museum

Edward Scissorhands home in Florida is transformed into a museum


It was purchased by Edward Scissorhands superfans last year for $230,000.

Now the new owners of a Florida home used in the 1990 Johnny Depp hit have converted the suburban house into a museum filled with memorabilia from the original film shoot.

The owners, Joey Klops and his wife, have renamed the property Scissorland and decorated with props used in the filming of the Tim Burton classic from neighbors who lived nearby during the original production, according to TMZ.

New look: The Boggs house featured in the Johnny Depp classic Edward Scissorhands has been turned into a museum dedicated to the 1990 Tim Burton film, according to TMZ

New look: The Boggs house featured in the Johnny Depp classic Edward Scissorhands has been turned into a museum dedicated to the 1990 Tim Burton film, according to TMZ

The house, which is located near Tampa, played home to the Boggs family in Edward Scissorhands.

Peg Boggs, played by Dianne Weist, initially met Edward (Depp) at his otherwise-abandoned mansion while selling cosmetics door-to-door.

She offered the scissor-handed loner a place to stay at her home with her husband (played by Alan Arkin) and daughter Kim (Winona Ryder). 

The home’s exterior has been transformed with zany landscaping including potted shrubs that twirl upward and slim trees with Dr. Seuss–like tufts of leaves.

A photo of the house prior to its sale shows it painted a drab olive color, which contrasts with the more vibrant lavender the new owners adopted.

It’s also closer to the pale blue shade that some house were painted for the film. 

Iconic location: The house, which is located near Tampa, was the home to Peg and Bill Boggs (Dianne Wiest and Alan Arkin) and their daughter Kim (Winona Ryder) who became the love interest to the razor-fingered loner Edward (Depp); still from Edward Scissorhands

Iconic location: The house, which is located near Tampa, was the home to Peg and Bill Boggs (Dianne Wiest and Alan Arkin) and their daughter Kim (Winona Ryder) who became the love interest to the razor-fingered loner Edward (Depp); still from Edward Scissorhands

Before: A photo of the house prior to its sale shows it painted a drab olive color, which contrasts with the more vibrant lavender the new owners adopted

Before: A photo of the house prior to its sale shows it painted a drab olive color, which contrasts with the more vibrant lavender the new owners adopted

Original kitchen: The original kitchen featured light-colored wood-print cabinets and countertops, which appear to have survived from filming, while the living room area was painted beige on one wall and red on another with gray tile floors

Original kitchen: The original kitchen featured light-colored wood-print cabinets and countertops, which appear to have survived from filming, while the living room area was painted beige on one wall and red on another with gray tile floors

After: Now the house has been outfitted with a bizarre mushroom wallpaper covering the kitchen and other rooms to match the film's vibe. Owner Joey Klops also has an Edward Scissorhands mannequin with his signature outfit

After: Now the house has been outfitted with a bizarre mushroom wallpaper covering the kitchen and other rooms to match the film’s vibe. Owner Joey Klops also has an Edward Scissorhands mannequin with his signature outfit

The home’s previous interior gave no hint that it once served as a location for Edward Scissorhands.

The original kitchen featured light-colored wood-print cabinets and countertops, which appear to have survived from filming, while the living room area was painted beige on one wall and red on another with gray tile floors.

Now the house has been outfitted with a bizarre mushroom wallpaper covering the kitchen and other rooms to match the film’s vibe. 

One photo shared to Klops’ Instagram account details the walls and featured an Edward Scissorhands mannequin.

It bears little resemblance to Depp’s character, aside from its pale skin and facial scars from accidental nicks, but it appears to have a black suited perfectly matching the characters iconic outfit.

The bondage-inspired suit is covered with gold-studded belts and buckles and has its own pair of scissorhands. 

Playful: The home's exterior has been transformed with zany landscaping including potted shrubs that twirl upward

Playful: The home’s exterior has been transformed with zany landscaping including potted shrubs that twirl upward

Letting loose: The colorful landscaping also includes plenty of flowers and Dr. Seuss¿like tufted trees in pots

Letting loose: The colorful landscaping also includes plenty of flowers and Dr. Seuss–like tufted trees in pots

Packed with character: In addition to the playful shrubbery, the backyard boasts decorations used in the film, including large colorful letters hung on the wooden picket fence

Packed with character: In addition to the playful shrubbery, the backyard boasts decorations used in the film, including large colorful letters hung on the wooden picket fence

Original location: There's also a tall ladder with chicken wire to help vines grow up it. The vine-covered ladder was featured in a scene where Depp's character climbs up it to use his scissor hands to chisel a block of ice into an angel

Original location: There’s also a tall ladder with chicken wire to help vines grow up it. The vine-covered ladder was featured in a scene where Depp’s character climbs up it to use his scissor hands to chisel a block of ice into an angel

In addition to the playful shrubbery, the backyard boasts decorations used in the film, including large colorful letters hung on the wooden picket fence.

There’s also a tall ladder with chicken wire to help vines grow up it.

The vine-covered ladder was featured in a scene where Depp’s character climbs up it to use his scissor hands to chisel a block of ice into an angel. 

According to Klops, one neighbor gave the couple a license plate they had kept from the original production.

In order to cut down on interruptions and gawkers, the production gave everyone in the neighborhood special license plates indicating they had access to the area.

Some of the props were personally used by Depp, including a set of scissor gloves used in a scene in which he carves a dinosaur shrub.

Klops also managed to get his hands on a pack of cigarettes misplaced on set by Depp, which were part of his personal stash and are now displayed prominently in the kitchen.

The owner claimed that Depp was the only person on set given permission to smoke on the Boggs house set.

Celebrity encounter: Some of the props were personally used by Depp, including a set of scissor gloves used in a scene in which he carves a dinosaur shrub. Klops also has a pack of cigarettes left on set by Depp; Arkin and Depp seen in Edward Scissorhands

Celebrity encounter: Some of the props were personally used by Depp, including a set of scissor gloves used in a scene in which he carves a dinosaur shrub. Klops also has a pack of cigarettes left on set by Depp; Arkin and Depp seen in Edward Scissorhands

In addition to keep the countertops and cabinets as they were, Klops said he and his wife tried to keep as many of the elements that were present in Edward Scissorhands as possible, though they did paint some rooms.

The new owner had his own connection to the film, as he says he worked as a dishwasher for the production’s food services while it was in town.

Although the house is already well-stocked, Klops added that he’s always looking for new donations from the film to add to the collection.

He’s currently offering free tours of the home to fans as long as they’re ‘respectful’ to the neighborhood, though his Instagram account warns fans that they don’t accept ‘walk ups.’

According to the Tampa Bay Times, the 1,432 square foot home was originally listed for $224,000, but TMZ reported that Klops and his wife paid $6,000 more, for a total of $230,000.

Klops and his wife purchased the home last year for $230,000, after going over the asking price by $6,000. They offer free tours to 'respectful' fans, though  they don't accept 'walk ups'; Depp and Winona Ryder seen in Edward Scissorhands

Klops and his wife purchased the home last year for $230,000, after going over the asking price by $6,000. They offer free tours to ‘respectful’ fans, though  they don’t accept ‘walk ups’; Depp and Winona Ryder seen in Edward Scissorhands


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