What you think about Boris Johnson’s Plan B Covid restrictionsWhat you think about Boris Johnson’s Plan B Covid restrictions

What you think about Boris Johnson’s Plan B Covid restrictions


Oxford Mail readers have been reacting to the latest restrictions imposed by the Government as it tries to combat the spread of the coronavirus Omicron variant.

People in England should start working at home again if they can, the government has said.

The governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland had already advised people to work from home if possible, because of the new Omicron coronavirus variant.

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In England, people should return to working from home if they can from Monday.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “Go to work if you must, but work from home if you can.”

Masks are once again mandatory in shops but they will now also be needed in “most public indoor venues” including cinemas and theatres, unless people are exercising, eating, drinking or singing.

Covid vaccination certificates will be needed for all unseated indoor venues with a capacity of 500 or more; all unseated outdoor venues of 4,000 or more; or any venue, seated or not, which contain 10,000 or more, meaning they will be needed for football stadiums and other mass sports venues.

RAY MARSHALL: “How much is fact and how much to divert attention away from the Downing Street party scandal. Yes the new strain is more transmissable but less deadly as all viruses weaken every new strain. We need more independant MP’s and get away from the corrupt party system as both Labour and Lib Dems are as bad. And we dont’ want parliament controlling us and telling us what we can and can’t do.”

LAURA WHELPDALE: “Personally, I think the year-old leaked footage was a diversion from something else.”

NEIL APPLETON: “Ray Marshall they have been for the last 50 years so what’s new.”

GIORGOS KOUTSOGIANNIS: “I going to drive my bus from home it’s worth the try.”

SIAN FROST-MILBANK: “Let me guess everyone go out and do what you want, panic buy and spend lots of money and then all of a sudden just as Christmas is a week away – sorry Christmas is cancelled so that people spend yet again more money.

“Its a shame because if they were as bothered about looking after people as they are about make money we probably wouldn’t be as affected by all this Covid stuff.”

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DAVE STRIBLING: “Given the recently admitted hypocrisy over last year’s Downing Christmas Party, let’s just get on with our lives. The big state interference with our lives and livelihoods stops now.”

ROSS EVERS: “Just my opinion but after the lockdown party and all the restrictions they broke themselves. After the people that sacrificed so much and how bad the NHS nurses have been treated. I don’t have time or even a care in the world about these conferences. We need to just get on with our lives. Year after year there will be a new variant. We need to be just careful of are loved ones and just turn off the media that try scaring us.”

HELENA COWDREY: “Can we just not get on with it now and learn to live with it? Or else we are going to be spending years either being in a lockdown or having to work from home.”

KAREN MATHIESON: “What about having to wear face masks in supermarkets?”

STEFANIA MONTERESI: “That had been decided already at the previous briefing.”

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DONNA EARL: “Karen Mathieson – it is!”

RACHEL DUKE: “I’m still working from home after last time.”

WARREN LEACH: “I didn’t hear him say you have to wear a face mask in restaurants?”

BEN MOODY: “I’m a driving instructor, how do I work from home?”

DAVID SNOW: “As before there’s a good percentage of us where it’s business as usual, whatever the stupid ‘rules’ are, and we continue to keep the nation moving & functioning.”

MARTIN JONES: “I guess Boris will have a party again to celebrate and then another one for the lockdown coming for the new year.”

SUZANNE SAUNTER: “ I thought it wasn’t in restaurants ‘exemptions for eating and drinking in hospitality venues’.”

ROSS BRAZEL: “Masks not required in restaurants. This is Why it becomes so confusing for people.”

AMY-GRACE CURRAN: “It’s a shock how this is all happening before Christmas again.”

SOPHIE GROOM: “I went to the New Theatre in Oxford on Saturday and needed a Covid passport to get in.”


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