
These 14 practices are some of the best ways to lose weight. If you want ways to lose weight fast, then this will help you to lose weight in the shortest possible time.
If you really want to know my best way to lose weight and what has truly worked for me in the shortest possible time especially when it comes to losing weight around the belly, then you must quickly check the flat belly tonic I mentioned.
The following 14 practices if adhered to are some of the best ways to lose weight fast.
1. Reduce Intake of Added Sugar
If you want the best way to lose weight, then shy away from one of the most deadly part of modern diet or foods that we eat. that’s Sugar. Most people desiring the best way to lose weight still consumes loads of sugar in their diet.
Most fruits, vegetables, milk, grains and even cheese have a lot of sugar. When it comes to manufacturing various foods, different kinds of sugars and syrups were also added. Foods like ice cream, candy, cookies, sodas and the like. Even with certain products that are less obvious like spaghetti sauce, bread, ketchup, yoghurt, salad dressing etc.
If you desire to practice the best ways to lose weight, then cut to low your sugar. Ensure to read the labels of products and know what they contain before you consume. Don’t be deceived, even the so called healthy foods can have a barrage of sugar loaded in them. This is one of the best ways to lose weight.
2. Move away from Refined Carbs
One of the best ways to lose weight is to move away from refined carbs. Refined carbs are found in foods that have been heavily processed to remove many of the other nutrients they normally carry. These foods include white flour, added sugars and sweeteners, white rice, and many other refined ingredients
Most foods contains great nutrients but after refining, they lose all their fibre and other nutrients. If you can keep away from highly refined foods like white flour, added sugars, white rice and many other refined and processed foods, you could cut down your body fat and you will surely be on your way to losing weight.
Endeavor to eat carbs with their natural fiber. This will automatically increase your metabolism and help to cut fat build up.
3. Opt for Low-Carb Diet
If you really want to gain some level of benefit with carbs, then go for a low carb diet. Scientist have shown that it’s one of the best ways of losing weight.
Numerous research show that staying on a low carb diet can help you lose 2–3 times as much weight similar to a low-fat diet intake. This in a way will also improve the status of your health.
If need be, see a nutrition coach who can give you a customized weight loss plan. This will guide you in your eating plan and help you to cut down fat.
One effect of low carb diet is, it reduces your appetite and cause automatic weight loss.
Your recommended daily intake of carbs varies from person to person depending on their sex, age, body type and activities.
4. Use Much Smaller Dish Plates
The psychology of using smaller plate is the fact that, you cannot carry more than can fit into that plate. This naturally cause you to eat less. This is one of the best ways and strategies used for weight loss.
As much as many studies have proven that smaller plates tend to allow only smaller potions to be eaten, the reason was not known until recently. A thorough research proves that smaller plates has a way of causing us to eat less.
When you change your eating plates, cups and bowls to a smaller size, you would naturally start eating less by virtue of size of container.
5. Drink Water, Especially Before Meals
Well-established facts revealed that drinking water can help in weight loss. In looking for the best ways to lose weight, let water be one of your closest companion.
Drinking one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal helps in digestion of the food. Ensure not to drink too early before of after a meal. The too early has a way of diluting the food with water and this lessen the nutrients absorption rate of your stomach.
Drinking water can boost metabolism by 24–30% over a period of 1–1.5 hours, helping you burn off a few more calories.
Drinking water alone has the tendency to boost your metabolism by 24–30% over a period of about one to two hours.
6. Include Eggs in your Breakfast
Eating whole eggs can have all sorts of benefits, including helping you lose weight.
Including whole eggs in your breakfast helps you to lose weight. Studies have revealed that swapping grain based breakfast with eggs can help you eat less calories for the next 36 hours as well as lose body weight and fat.
Eating eggs may assist in weight loss, especially if you infuse them into your calorie controlled diet. Eggs have a way of boosting metabolic activity and increase the feeling of fullness. Eating an egg in the morning may fill you up and prevent you from consuming extra calories during the day.
Granted eggs are not your thing, then search for any source of quality protein. Many have used specialized Keto Plans to effectively reduce body fat and you could find out which one may work for you.
7. Drink Coffee (Preferably Black)
As much as many looked down upon coffee, quality coffee is packed with antioxidants and also possesses numerous health benefits. Drinking coffee serves as one of the ways to lose weight fast.
Research reveals that the caffeine in coffee boost metabolism by 3–11% and this increases fat burning activities of the body up to 10–29%.
Black coffee has an important element called chlorogenic acid, this compound is noted for speeding up weight loss if consumed after supper. The prevalence of chlorogenic acid slows down the body production of key glucose. Even more, the production of new fat cells are decreased which means less calories in the body.
In drinking your coffee, try not to add too much sugar, which will negate the benefits that the coffee is supposed to give you.
8. Drink Green Tea and Herbs
Like coffee, green tea and other tonics are also packed with immense benefits and key among them is weight loss.
The amount of caffeine in green tea is quite low, but it’s loaded with powerful antioxidants called catechins. This is believed to work synergistically with the caffeine to enhance the burning of fats in the body.
Adopting the drinking of green tea every morning can help you lose weight. The caffeine and catechins in green tea has been shown to boost your metabolism and increase the fat burning property of your body. Studies have shown that consuming green tea can assist you to burn an additional 75–100 calories daily.
Herbs like the Japanese Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic has helped many to reduce especially their belly fat. Most Japanese are strong with flat bellies because of this known tonic.
As much as there are diverse opinions surrounding green tea, evidence shows that, green tea either as a beverage or green tea extract in supplements can still help you to lose weight.
9. Routine Resistance Training
Resistance training builds muscle and increases endurance. This for long has served as one of the best ways of losing weight. To build muscles and increase endurance, resistance training is the surest way to go.
Resistance training goes down well for women over 50 as this increase the number of calories that your body dissipate at rest. This also assist in bone mineral density to protect your bones against osteoporosis.
Resistance training assist with excess fat loss by escalating the after-burn after the exercise by increasing the muscle size, thereby increasing the amount of calories we dissipate at rest.
Lifting weights using gym equipment, or performing body-weight exercises are a few simple ways to get started.
You can take this simple 3 minutes quiz to know how adaptable is your body to losing fat quickly especially around your belly.
Using gym equipment in the form of weight lifting or undertaking body weight exercises are some of the simple ways to get started getting rid of fat.
10. Eat More Protein
To really boost your protein intake, one has to consume foods like meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, legumes and dairy. These forms an important part of a healthy diet, whenever weight loss is concerned.
It has been shown that, following a high protein diet can lower your cravings and increase feeling of fullness and boost metabolism.
By swapping carbs and fat with high quality protein, you drastically reduce the hunger hormone and highly boost several satiety hormones. This move will lead to a major reduction in hunger and is the main reason protein helps in losing weight.
Many researches has shown that increasing protein intake by about 15% decreases daily calorie intake by an average of 441 calories. This results in 11 pounds of weight loss, which is about 5 kilos.
11. Set a Regular Sleeping Schedule
Many take sleep for granted when it comes to losing weight but getting enough sleep is as crucial to losing weight just as diet and exercise.
Sleeping for at least 7.5 hours each night makes you less prone to snack. You are also much less likely to take too much alcohol or cheat on your diet plan. The best bedtime for weight loss is apparently at 10pm.
Many researches have aligned sleep deprivation with increased body weight and higher levels of ghrelin, the key hormone responsible for stimulating hunger.
Furthermore, an important study in women showed that getting a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night and improving overall sleep quality increased the probability of weight loss success by 33%.
If you naturally have a problem when it comes to sleeping or may be you are suffering a major sleep disorder, then you have to seek help to solve this problem for an optimum sleep at night.
12. Do More Cardio Exercises
Aerobic workout, mostly known as cardio, increases your heart rate of beat and this burns extra calories.
Intensive cardio burns calories and invariably fat. One of the main ways that cardio assist in burning fat is through the crushing down of calories faster than you consume them. Weight and fat loss only happens when you dissipate calories faster than you form them.
Many researches have shown that combining healthy diet with routine cardio sessions can results in significant weight loss.
For optimum results, aim for at least 20–40 minutes of cardio per day, or around 150 to 300 minutes per week.
13. Fill up on Fiber
Adding more fiber to your daily diet intake is a common strategy that many use for weight loss programs. This assist you by slowing the emptying of your stomach and gives you the feeling of fullness for longer.
Fiber that is soluble has a way of keeping your gut bacteria healthy and promotes total fat loss by reducing your appetite. To further promote belly fat loss, combine your soluble fibre intake with your new lifestyle changes, such as eating healthier foods and exercising more.
If all you can do is to increase fiber intake by 14 gram without any further change in lifestyle, you could decrease your calories intake by 10% and 1.9kg of weight loss over the period of 3.8 months.
Fruits, legumes, vegetables, seeds and whole grains are all splendid sources of fibre that can be added as a balanced diet.
14. Practice Mindful Eating
Mindful eating entails your ability to minimize external distractions during your mealtime. Try to practice slow eating and focus your attention more on how your food tastes, look, smell and feels.
Mindful eating is an effective strategy when it comes to weight loss. It encourages you to slow down and pay much attention to your food by noticing each sip or bite you take. Much of your senses are focused on exploring, savoring and tasting your food. It also teaches you not to follow hunger cues.
This very practice assist in promoting healthier eating habits and its quite powerful for increasing weight loss in both men and women.
Studies show that taking your time in eating and doing it slowly has the tendency to enhance feelings of fullness and this may lead to significant reductions in daily calories intake.
These steps when taken seriously and committed to it will gradually reduce the fat content in your body and eventually experience a reduction in weight. These are not the only methods available, you research and find out more that is adaptable to you. Wishing success as you embark on this journey.
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