Heartwarming story of how fostering helped Cambs mum after kids left homeHeartwarming story of how fostering helped Cambs mum after kids left home

Heartwarming story of how fostering helped Cambs mum after kids left home


A mum from Cambridgeshire has shared her story about how fostering helped her cope after her children left home.

‘Empty Nest Syndrome’ is very common in parents whose children have just left home for the first time in order to live on their own or to attend a college or university.

Now, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Fostering Service is seeking these ‘Empty Nester’ parents to provide homes for vulnerable young people.

Read more: Cambridge News

The local fostering service is reaching out to these parents, whose birth children have left home, to see if they can provide a home to others.

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Valerie, 59, a divorced mother-of-three from South Cambridgeshire has been a Foster Carer for the past four years and has shared how fostering has helped her cope with her children spreading their wings.

She said: “My daughters both live with each of their partners my middle child, home from university, asked me if I had ever thought about fostering.

“They all thought I would have much to offer.”

Valerie had previously dismissed fostering without fully exploring it as an option for herself.

As a divorced single mum, she thought Foster Carers needed to be settled, married couples, allowing one foster parent to stay at home to care for the children while the other worked full time – and hadn’t realised that Foster Carers were paid.

Chatting with one of her many friends who have adopted children, the subject of fostering came up again.

“My friend has two adopted sons and two very different experiences of Foster Carers,” Valerie continued.

“She asked me if I had ever considered fostering, as she thought I could make a positive difference to children’s lives.”

Spurred on by encouraging reactions from her other close friends, Valerie began to make enquiries – but not before broaching the subject once more with her birth children.

“My middle child assured me that she loves me very much, but never wanted to live with me again,” Valerie explained.

“She said I should pack up and use her room – the largest in the house, which was easy to convert into a twin room.”

Valerie is now approved to foster children and young people aged from birth to eighteen years old, sibling and non-sibling groups, and can also provide time-limited, emergency, and respite care.

Valerie currently provides care to three young people, one of whom is now attending university herself.

She said: “She came to stay as a seven-night emergency – and that was about 20 months ago.

“The professional team agreed that we were a safe home for her, and she wanted to ‘Stay Put’, and I was in a position to offer this for her.”

Valerie cites a willingness to learn new things, such as ways of managing behaviours that are different from those which had worked with birth children, as a key quality for a Foster Carer.

“You also need to have a reasonable expectation of yourself and the children you’re caring for, as well as diplomacy skills,” she added.

“You need to maintain relationships with all other professionals involved in the team around the child and birth family.”

Councilor Bryony Goodliffe, Chair of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Children and Young People’s Committee said: “It’s so heart-warming to hear stories of carers such as Valerie whose children have grown up but are still fully supportive of their birth parent providing foster care to the children and young people who need it most.

“If your children have flown the nest, please consider fostering.”

If you are considering becoming a foster parent visit the Cambridgeshire or Peterborough Fostering websites, call 0800 052 0078 or text FOSTERING to 60777.

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