That Turned out In the Wrong Direction! | by Un Swede Svensson | Writers’ Blokke | Oct, 2021That Turned out In the Wrong Direction! | by Un Swede Svensson | Writers’ Blokke | Oct, 2021

That Turned out In the Wrong Direction! | by Un Swede Svensson | Writers’ Blokke | Oct, 2021


I Just Hit Another Plateau After 30 Days and A Big One. I Am up 1.5 Kg, 3.3 Ib.

Un Swede Svensson

beautiful-young-girl-cracked-earth-black-dress — Un Swede
Hit another plateau — Photo by Kuzmichstudio | Freepik

Anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur like someone else is actually looking in the wrong direction. You don’t look out for inspiration, you look in. You have to ask yourself how can I be better today, at solving the problem I am trying to solve for my company. I…


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